Commando Fijiwater The lease you can do is speak actual english so we can understand u better WHat did u even say to me??????
Commando Fijiwater ur followers are snowman mindofmelvin yooungandblessed and yougandblessed2 snowman 2 yeah alt accs
Gebibaboy Commando Let me translate for you: Are you in Special Education? I have more followers than your stupid ass
Fijiwater Commando I be said u ain’t a OG u a bitch and I been on thi mofuker This the language you be understanding bc u a bitch and ain’t been in no hood
BreadstickBoi23 Fijiwater says the one that is failing English ( a pretty easy subject if you have more than 2 braincells)
BreadstickBoi23 you are proud of getting a 50? I guess that is more than most people would expect from you. I’ll congratulate you in you in your language. good jb mfer yo finn be smert